About The Event
ISPS (the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis) wants to alert the world to the dangerous evolution of allowing euthanasia or assisted suicide for unbearable mental suffering caused by psychiatric conditions. This raises complex medical, ethical, and societal/political questions that cannot be considered in isolation. In November 2024 ISPS wrote a statement against Euthanasia for people with psychiatric conditions.
However, it is interesting to learn from the experience in the countries where euthanasia is possible. An open dialogue without polarization is important to discuss this very delicate theme in a serene way. Therefore, ISPS organizes a webinar where the different opinions can be listened to. After a small introduction with a brief explanation of the history of psychiatry, three panelists will give their reflections on the statement of ISPS in the first part of the webinar. This will be followed by an open dialogue with the entire audience with Debra Lampshire as moderator. We hope that new ideas can rise to protect the most vulnerable persons in our society.
During the webinar a quiet and safe place will be organised by phone by Dag Söderström who will give the opportunity that people can talk when they feel overwhelmed.
Program of the webinar:
8:00pm (Central European Time) Introduction:
Ludi Van Bouwel (BE): Context of the webinar
John Mason (UK): History of Psychiatry
8:15pm Debra Lampshire (NZ) will introduce the three speakers who all give their reflections on the ISPS Statement against Euthanasia
Will Hall (US)
Joris Vandenberghe (BE)
Jen Kilyon (UK)
9:00pm Open Dialogue between the three speakers with Debra Lampshire as moderator
9:20pm BREAK
9:25pm Open discussion with the audience and the whole panel with Debra Lampshire as moderator, followed by Q&A summary
9:55pm Concluding remarks by Julie Kipp (US), chair of ISPS
10:00pm END
Participation fee
A donation of $10 to $50 is requested. Your donation supports the efforts of ISPS (International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis) to advance the education, training and knowledge of mental health professionals in the treatment and prevention of psychosis. Another major aim of ISPS your donation supports is our work towards the best possible partnership between professionals, people with lived experience of psychosis and their family members. If you are unable to give a donation please contact us to enquire about a limited number of free places for this webinar.
No recording will be available due to the delicate subject and the safety we will give to all the speakers and the attendees during the discussion.
Time Zones:
Eventbrite should show the correct date and time for your time zone, but just in case there is any confusion, here’s the date and time for some time zones:
1 April 8:00 PM CET (Brussels)
1 April 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US)
1 April 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US)
1 April 7:00 PM London time
2 April 08:00 AM Auckland NZDT
We look forward to welcoming all who will be able to attend!