ISPS E-mail Discussion Groups

ISPS E-mail Discussion Groups

The below email groups are available to ISPS members only


ISPS-Int is the official international e-mail discussion list for the members of ISPS. The list is used by ISPS members around the world to inform, discuss and debate news and ideas, focusing essentially on the psychological therapies of psychosis. Members include professionals from a wide range of treatment approaches, service users and family members. To request to join e-mail

Psychoanalytic / psychodynamic sub-group

ISPS members interested in the relevance of psychoanalytic understandings relevant to psychosis can use this group to exchange ideas and information. The group is interesed in supporting psychoanalytic thinking and therapy within public sector services, promoting relevant research, exchanging news of articles, books and lecture. In the longer term the members intend to collate or produce teaching materials. To request to join e-mail

Service users / survivors group

This e-mail discussion group is only for ISPS members who are service users / survivors of psychosis. The members of the group discuss and debate issues relevant to their experiences and liaise with the ISPS Executive Committee. If you are interested in joining this group e-mail

Family members / carers group

This e-mail discussion group is only for ISPS members who are carers / have a family member who has experienced psychosis. The members of the group discuss and debate issues relevant to their experiences and liaise with the ISPS Executive Committee. If you are interested in joining this group e-mail


ISPS UK has a lively e-mail discussion group, with over 200 subscribers, from service users to carers, academics and therapists. It is very multi-disciplinary and it is starting to influence policy locally. To request to join e-mail


ISPS-US also maintains its own e-mail discussion list. Postings include clinical, organizational or sociocultural issues related to the psychosocial treatments for psychoses. If you are a member of ISPS-US (or any other local ISPS group) you can contact to request to join.