XV Annual Course of Schizophrenia in Madrid

Group news

XV Annual Course of Schizophrenia in Madrid

The Course is organized by Dr. D. Manuel González de Chávez, Head of Psychiatry Service I of the General University Hospital “Gregorio Marañón” of Madrid. The Event, which has simultaneous translation (English / Spanish), takes place annually each autumn at the Meliá Castilla Hotel in Madrid.


The beginnings of any new project are always difficult, even more so when, as in Spain, we are still a small group. However, as we have been doing for the past 13 years with the financial and organizational support of the Fundación para la Investigación y Tratamiento de la Esquizofrenia y otras Psicosis (Foundation for the Investigation and Treatment of Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders), we are now collaborating in the organization of the 14th annual course on schizophrenia that will be held in Madrid in the upcoming days of November 26th-28th , 2009. Its title will be” Psychosis: communication, motivation and change.” The coordinator of, and also speaker during, the course will be Dr. Manuel González de Chavez, recent president of the ISPS. The principal international participants are Yrving D. Yalom, Robert D. Hinshelwood, Paul Chadwick, Jaako Seikkula and Nina Gobat. The following will participate from Spain: Oscar Vallina, Mª Isabel Vázquez Sousa, Carlos Cuevas, Salvador Perona, Andrés Fernández Cuevas, Mª Isabel Rodríguez Gorostiza and Esther González Palomar. In addition to the different speakers, the course will be preceded by practical workshops, all on psychotherapeutic interventions, with simultaneous translation into English.

Furthermore, coinciding with the publication of this announcement in Badalona, during the first days of October, another one of our most outstanding members, Dr. Jorge Tizón and his team, supported by the Foundation Llegat Roca i Pi, is organizing the first meetings, with the hope to continue it yearly, on “Integral care to psychosis” with the subtitle of “The European precursors.” The participation of Dr. Jorge Tizon as well as Professors Jukka Aaltonen and Bent Rosenbaum, Jordi Artigue, Alberto Fernández-Liria, Pere Folch, Manuel González de Chávez, Alberto Lasa and Oscar Vallina will assure its initial success and a promising future for this new project.

Ignacio García Cabeza



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