Category: Group news

Group news

Svensk forskning om Rorschach och psykos

ABSTRACT Rorschach pre-treatment protocols from 32 first-time psychotic patients were correlated to outcome levels five years later (GAF). Human content responses (HR) were found to be positively related to future functioning level, when they appear in emotionally loaded contexts. Possible ways of …

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Forskning om terapi till patienter som inte vill ha farmaka

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Blogg om forskning och alternativa behandlingar

Group news

ISPS Russia

Group news


Group news

Russian Speaking ISPS group

Foundation of the Stavropol Society of Psychosis Psychotherapy and the Information Mental Health Agency “ProPsy”, and the annual conference “Society and Mental Health” are the result of this cooperation.     Russian health care professionals took part in the ISPS congresses in Melbourne and …

Group news


Group news

Русскоязычная группа ISPS

В последующие годы при поддержке информационного психиатрического фонда ПсикОпп развернулось плодотворное Российско-Норвежское сотрудничество в области современной психиатрии. Герд-Рагна Блох Торсен, Ян Олав Йоханнесен, Ян-Эрик Нильсен, Анна-Лиза Оксневат и многие другие приезжали в Ставрополь для передачи опыта и знаний. Ставропольские специалисты ежегодно ездят …

Group news

IX ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Stavropol Regional Psychoanalytical Association

The two famous citations reflect the complexity of the other’s theme. In the play No Exit, by Jean-Paul Sartre there is a phrase: Hell is the others. And indeed, the action takes place in hell where all the sinners are doomed to …

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Group news

Annual Meeting of ISPS-Germany (43rd Meeting of the Study Group): Thu 19 June – Sat 21 June 2014

in Bochum Topics: Psychotherapy of Psychoses, Psychodynamic Approaches, Therapeutic Relationship, Social Therapies of Psychoses, Group Psychotherapy, Early Prevention of Psychoses etc.(In German / in Deutsch) Chairs: Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Hoffmann, Dipl.-Psych. Tilman Kluttig, Prof. Dr. med. Georg Juckel, Dr. med. Nicolas Nowack atLWL …

Group news

ISPS Norway annual conference 2015

‘Drugs and Psychosis. Motivation in treatment.’ Thursday 31st January and Friday 1st February 2013. Hamar, Norway. Contact: You can find the conference flyer here. …

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Your donation will help support the objectives of ISPS in advancing education, training and knowledge of mental health professionals in the treatment and prevention of psychotic mental disorders for the public benefit.