IX ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Stavropol Regional Psychoanalytical Association

Group news

IX ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Stavropol Regional Psychoanalytical Association

The two famous citations reflect the complexity of the other’s theme. In the play No Exit, by Jean-Paul Sartre there is a phrase: Hell is the others. And indeed, the action takes place in hell where all the sinners are doomed to look for their image in the others’ eyes as they have no mirrors. When explaining the phrase Sartre said “When thinking of ourselves, when trying to understand ourselves we, actually, are using what others know about us; we judge ourselves using the same tools as others do when judging us”. Hell appears when there a disturbed capacity to be separated from the other and at the same time to share his experiences.

Another great French, A. Rimbaud, in 1871 wrote in his letter: I am the Other one. His view differs from understanding of the other as another individual. The other is a different one, who thinks and feels a different way. Rimbaud’s purpose was to unleash the other one, to get to that through the barrier of the mind. The invention of psychoanalysis served a chance to gain a better understanding of building the relationships with the other one in his inner world. One can deny the very presence on psyche inside; we can build defense through splitting and other mechanisms, but we also can accept a more complicated, differentiated picture of ourselves.

The Rimbaud’s words often act as a certain logo of J. Lacan’s ideas, who himself became the other for the International Psychoanalytical Association that would not accept his approach to practicing and training. There is another side of the theme coming out – relationships inside the psychoanalytical community and relationships among communities. There is no secret that such relationships will often give raise to serious conflicts, which, in turn are reflection of the complexity of our impossible profession.

All the participants will have a chance not only to discuss all the sides of the conferences, yet also to open new ones. This will enlarge and enrich the conference, which each participant can employ to the fullest extent to open up new sides in his own professionalism.

Sergey Ivanov, Head of SRPA


Conference Programme *


Saturday 25.05.2013


10.00 Opening


10.15 – 11.45 Plenary speech I + THE OTHER = UNIVERSE


Speaker: L. Kovarskis; leader: O. Tatarenko


11.45 – 12.00 Break


12.00 -13.30 Parallel discussion groups **


Leaders: A. Koryoukin; S. Ivanov; O. Tatarenko; S. Abramova


13.30 – 14.45 Lunch


14.45 – 16.15 Parallel group supervisions **


Leaders: L. Kovarskis; S. Ulianitsky; V. Berezueva; D. Sevryugin


16.15 – 16.30 Break


16.30 – 18.00 Parallel work in small groups:




Leader: N. Ramm


– Who am I for the Other one… reflections on relationships, including analytical ones, within the setting, from the point of concepts of primary psychological defenses. Seminar


Leader: O. Gnatenko


– One, Another one, a Third one – about early triangulation. Seminar


Leader: S. Abramova


Sunday 26.05.2013


10.15 – 11.45 Plenary speeches:


The Other: Splitting. Speaker: S. Ivanov


The Other: On the Border. Speaker: S. Peshkov


The Other: Differentiation. Speaker: L. Udodova


Leader: S. Abramova


11.45 – 12.00 Break


12.00 – 13.30 Parallel discussion groups


Leaders: A. Koryoukin; S. Ivanov; O. Tatarenko; S. Abramova


13.30 – 14.45 Lunch


14.45 – 16.15 Parallel work in small groups:


– A small other one: a child psychotherapist’s inner dramas. Discussion group


Leader: E. Koryoukina


– A different other one: possibilities and limitations of psychosis. Discussion group


Leader: E. Kuptsova


– The other one in the therapeutic process. Case presentation


Leader: N. Y. Popova


16.15 – 16.30 Break


16.30 – 17.50 Common discussion. Psychoanalysis and the others


Leader: A. Koryoukin


17.50 – 18.00 Close


* The programme may be changed. On 23-24.05.2013 seminars will be held for the participants. More information concerning the venue and the themes will be available later.


** The members of the discussion and supervisions groups will be selected by the Programme Committee


Speakers and leaders


Svetlana Abramova (Krasnodar, Russia), Candidate of Psychological Sciences, IPA candidate, leader of South-Russian Psychoanalytical Society (SRPS), leading psychologist of Centre for Psychological Assistance, Kuban State Academy of Governing


Vitalya Berezueva (Stavropol, Russia), psychologist, member of Stavropol Regional Psychoanalytical Association (SRPA), Deputy Head of Mikhailovsky Psychological Centre


Olga Gnatenko (Odessa, Ukraine), psychologist, IPA candidate, member of Ukrainian Psychoanalytical Society (UPS), member of Odessa scientific psychoanalytical society


Sergey Ivanov (Stavropol, Russia), IPA candidate, leader of SRPA, member of SRPS, member of Russian-speaking group of International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychoses (ISPS ru), therapist of Stavropol Regional Psychiatric Hospital №2, methodologist & supervisor at Centre for psychological-pedagogic assistance ALGIS


Leo Kovarskis (Helsinki, Finland), psychiatrist, full member of Finnish Psychoanalytical Society, teacher at Han-Groen Prakken East European Psychoanalytical Institute


Alexey Koryoukin (Mikhailovsk, Russia), psychologist, IPA candidate, Chief Executive of SRPA, member of SRPS, member of ISPS ru, Chairperson of Informational Agency for Mental Health Service ProPsy, methodologist & supervisor at Mikhailovsky Psychological Centre


Elena Koryoukina (Mikhailovsk, Russia), psychologist, representative of SRPA for ethical issues, member of training committee of SRPA, Director of Mikhailovsky Psychological Centre


Evgeniya Kuptsova (Stavropol, Russia), member of SRPA, member of ISPS ru, coach at psychological club Dombay Tales, medical psychologist at Rehabilitation centre of Stavropol Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital №1 (SRCPH№1)


Sergey Peshkov (Stavropol, Russia), psychologist, associated member of section for individual psychoanalytical psychotherapy for adults, Society of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, Deputy Head of SRPA, member of ISPS ru, methodologist & supervisor at Stavropol Psychological Centre


Natalia Y. Popova (Stavropol, Russia), IPA candidate, member of SRPA, member of SRPS, clinical psychologist at SRCPH№1


Nina Ramm (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), psychologist, IPA candidate, Treasurer of SRPS


Denis Sevryugin (Stavropol, Russia), leader of budget committee of SRPA, co-head of Centre for social-psychological support CROSROADS, clinical psychologist at SRCPH№1


Oksana Tatarenko (Stavropol, Russia), Candidate of psychological Sciences, elect-leader of SRPA, head of SRPA training committee, Deputy Head for scientific-medical work at Mikhailovsky Psychological Centre


Lyudmila Udodova (Stavropol, Russia), psychologist, IPA candidate, head of psychoanalytical section at Association for Development of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, member of SRPS


Sergey Ulianitsky (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), psychologist, IPA full member, member of SRPS




General information




Non-profit organization Stavropol Regional Psychoanalytical Association








South-Russian Psychoanalytical Society of IPA members and candidates




Stavropol Branch of Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute


Address: 330, Mira Street, Stavropol




The Organizing Committee will be happy to assist with accommodation. For this, please contact the secretary’s Office


Participation fee *:


  If paid prior to 06.05.2013 If paid after 06.05.2013
Discounted fee ** 2000 RUR 2500 RUR
Full fee 2500 RUR 3000 RUR
One-day fee – 1500 RUR
Seminars before the conference   (for conference participants only) – more information shall be made available


* Participation fee includes attendance, distribution set, tea and coffee in the breaks


** Discounts are available to SRPA, SRPS members and those who graduated from long-term training programmes of SRPA


Note! The Organizing Committee may offer a discount to students and employees of certain public companies. For this, please refer to the Secretary’s Office


Once filled, please send the Registration Form tostav.conference@gmail.com or pass it to the Secretary’s Office


You can the fee


– personally to the representative of the Organizing Committee Natalia P. Popova (+7 903 441 08 74)


– by a transfer


Details: Acc 40703810610840001694, Cor/ac 30101810300000000789 MOSOBLBANK, BRANCH № 4 BIK 041203789 INN 2634041184


Beneficiary: NGO SRPA, mark: 9th Conference


Note! The Organizing Committee can not guarantee full reimbursement in case participation is cancelled after 6.05.2013


Secretary’s Office


SRPA Office 239/4, 18 Lermontova Street, Stavropol, Russia 355041


Tel: +7 (8652) 24-24-57.


E-Mail: stav.conference@gmail.comwww






Programme Committee


Svetlana Abramova – Co-leader


Sergay Ivanov Co-leader


Alexey Koryoukin


Sergey Peshkov


Oksana Tatarenko


Lyudmila Udodova




Organizing Committee


Daria Zviagintseva


Yulia Kozachenko


Alexey Koryokin – leader


Catherine Kriegel – Secretary


Natalia P. Popova


Denis Sevryugin


Donation to ISPS

Your donation will help support the objectives of ISPS in advancing education, training and knowledge of mental health professionals in the treatment and prevention of psychotic mental disorders for the public benefit.